Our Work
Awareness & Advocacy
Awareness & Training Workshops

Senior citizens in India deal with varied challenges, such as keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape and keeping up with the online world, managing their finances as most live off their savings post-retirement, learn about preventive health measures, how to make a WILL, amongst others.
HelpAge works with over 5000 Senior Citizen Associations (SCAs) with over 10 lakh members across India. It conducts awareness workshops to empower them in ‘Digital Literacy & Safety’ through a focused curriculum and provides information on their Rights such as learning about the ‘Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007’, guiding them on ‘How to Make a Will’ and ‘How to safely plan their financial investments’ in later years.
These workshops also help tackle social isolation as they interact with young adults who guide them as trainers and also connects them within key resource people who are experts in their fields.
Senior citizens reached through awareness workshops
Senior Citizens’ Association network across India