Our Work

Agecare Programme



Physiotherapy is a crucial tool in helping older adults bridge the gap between the premature loss of independence and the restoration of self-esteem. The benefits of physiotherapy include pain relief, enhanced joint mobility, increased strength and coordination, and improved cardiovascular and respiratory function. This form of treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with daily activities, as it helps them regain mobility and independence. Through guided exercises and resistance training, physiotherapy significantly improves their quality of life, enabling them to perform everyday tasks with greater ease and confidence.


Physiocare treatments provided every year


Physiocare centres across India

Key Objectives

  • Providing drug free treatment
  • Increasing mobility of elderly who suffer
  • due to sedentary lifestyle
  • from chronic illness
  • from age related physiological disorders
  • Help the elderly
  • regain their self-confidence and self esteem
  • perform their activities of daily living independently
  • Generate awareness in the community about benefits of active ageing.

Key Activities

  • Patient Treatment
  • Awareness and sensitization
  • Training of primary caregivers (family members) in general modalities to maintain muscle
  • mobilization of the elderly


We are currently in the process of launching a brand new donor experience for you.

Apologies for the inconvenience until then.

For any support please reach out to [email protected]