Our Work
Agecare Programme
Mobility Aids

As per the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), 44% of the elderly face functional disability in the country. Over 90% of elderly belonging to the unorganized sector and are unable to afford basic mobility aids such as canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. To tackle this challenge HelpAge India launched Project ‘Sugamya’, a pan-India effort to provide mobility aids to disadvantaged elders and help improve their quality of life, increase livelihood opportunities and reduce dependence on family and caregivers, thereby enabling them to live with dignity and independence.
The disabled elderly who required the mobility aids are identified through our Mobile Healthcare Units, partner old age homes and livelihood locations across India. Camps are then organised at all these locations to distributed the aids as well as provide initial training on their usage. Follow up camps are also conducted at these same locations after an interval of a few months to check for any defect in the devices and identify wear and tear, which are repaired free of cost.
Addressing the mobility needs of the elderly—one of the most pressing and visible challenges they face—removes a major barrier to accessing places, events, and opportunities. This has a profound impact on their physical and mental well-being, helping them regain self-confidence, independence, and dignity.