

HelpAge India Impact Stories

How Ningavva Regained Life’s Radiance

65-year-old Ningavva Kunnur belongs to a remote village in the Dharwad district of Karnataka. She got married at a young age and had dreams of a happy family with children, who would bring joy in the couple’s life and support them once they got older. However, that was not meant to be. She lost seven children even before they were born. Due to financial constraints the couple could not seek any medical solutions for their situation and eventually gave up on having children. Around 15 years ago, Ningavva lost her only source of support and companionship, with the death of her husband. Since then, Ningavva has been staying all alone in a tiny house with bare minimum facilities and surviving on the meagre pension being provided by the government.

In recent years, Ningavva was struggling with loss of vision. Getting an eye check-up required money, which she was hard pressed for. Fortunately, she heard from her neighbours that there was a free eye check-up camp being organised in a neighbouring village by HelpAge India. Ningavva decided go along with her neighbours.
The check-up revealed that she had cataract in both eyes. She was told that since she could not afford the surgery, it would be free of cost for her and that she need not worry about any other extra expenditures either. Ningavva was relieved and immediately agreed. She was then taken to HelpAge India’s partner hospital in Hubli where she underwent surgery for both eyes and got intraocular lens implants. For Ningavva, having her eyesight restored was like regaining her last remaining companion to support her through her challenging life.

How Ningavva Regained Life’s Radiance

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