Support HelpAge India’s #Disaster Relief Efforts

Nature’s fury has struck several parts of the country in the past few months. Some of the worst impacted States have been Kerala, Bihar and Uttarakhand, where landslides and floods have caused widespread damage and destruction to lives and livelihoods.
HelpAge India’s Disaster Response team has been on the ground in all three States, helping assess the immediate relief needs of the displaced elders and their communities and ensuring that they are receiving all the support that they can get through these challenging times.

Massive landslides wreaked havoc in Wayanad district of Kerala leaving hundreds dead, thousands displaced and their property destroyed. HelpAge India, through its Mobile Healthcare programme, has been helping provide medical relief, support and counselling to elder victims as well as their families.
Our Mobile Healthcare Unit, an all-women team, is working tirelessly, setting up daily camps to provide medical aid as well as grief counselling for elders living in various relief camps. The team is ensuring that the vitals of elders living with Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular issues, etc. are being monitored and that they have all the medication that they need.

In the flood-impacted areas of Supaul, where HelpAge India, has an active presence through its Livelihood & Emergencies programme, we have been been distributing relief kits to elders and their communities. The kits contain ration and sanitation items to ensure that elders and their communities are provided with their nutritional needs as well as protection from water-borne diseases.

Localised landslides and floods have devastated several parts of Uttarakhand. After a rapid needs assessment, HelpAge India, has identified that apart from medical aid and relief material, one of the critical requirements is for winter clothing with winter soon to descend in the region. We are helping provide all that is required for elders and their communities in these regions.
You too can play a role in helping elders and their community recover from these unprecedented disasters across India and contribute to the rebuilding of their lives and livelihoods.
Image Gallery: Glimpses of Our Relief Work

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I donate to your organization?
Please click on the following link where you can select your preferred mode of contribution.
Will I get a tax exemption for my donation?
Yes, you will receive a 50% tax reduction certificate under Section 80G, which will be sent to your registered email address or postal address.
How do I receive my 80G certificate?
The certificate will be sent to the email address provided by you at the time of donation upon successful completion of the transaction. Alternately, a physical copy will be posted to the address provided by you at the time of donation.
Do you accept donations in cash or in kind?
Yes, we do accept donations in cash. However, if you like to avail of tax exemption for your donation, you can only contribute Rs 2000 cash in a financial year.
What if I misplace my tax receipt?
Please write to [email protected] for a duplicate receipt mentioning your donation details
How do I make a donation from outside India?
You can contribute to our US entity ‘American Friends of HelpAge India’ by clicking on the following link:
Where is my money spent?
Your support helps us provide care and dignity to disadvantaged older persons across India under the following programmes – Agecare, Healthcare and Livelihoods & Disaster Management.
Can I choose which programme to donate to?
Yes, you can select the cause which you would like to support from a drop-down menu on our Donation form.
Where can I get details about HelpAge’s finances?
Please click on the following link to get details about our Finances:
What to do if I need to update payment details or make any edits in the receipt?
Please write to [email protected] with details of the changes you would like to make
How to contact if I have any queries?
For general enquiries, please write to [email protected].
To get in touch with one of our State offices, please click on the following link:
Contact Us page link
When will I get 10BE?
You will receive it in the next financial year after May 31st either on your registered email address or your postal address.

Support HelpAge India’s #Disaster Relief Efforts
For citizens with passports other than Indian, we prefer receiving donations through our US entity, American Friends of HelpAge India Website.
US Donors can avail 100% Tax Exemption in USA under 501 (c) (3) and EIN number is 83-3780707.
Kindly click on the submit button below, so that we can redirect you.