Conference on Old Age Security in India

Old Age Security

At the podium, Helmut Hauschild, Director, Indo-German Social Security Programme, GIZ India. Sitting at the dais (from left): Wolfgang Koester, Deputy Head, Department of Economic Cooperation, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Arun Maira, designated Chairman, HelpAge International and Former Member, Planning Commission of India, Mathew Cherian, CEO, HelpAge India.

HelpAge India and GIZ organized a National Level Conference on 19 October 2015, in order to bring together decision makers from the Government, private sector, civil society and other institutions with the specific objective to discuss challenges related to demographic change and the ageing population. Ideas were exchanged solutions were discussed– from social to contributory pensions, from self-help approaches to comprehensive social security systems for today’s elderly and the elderly to-be.


Conference on Old Age Security in India

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